Houston sees 3,333 flights passing through every week from 11 different airlines, so you're bound to find one that works for you.
If you don’t have specific dates for when you'd like to fly to Houston, try searching by month. Flights are usually cheapest in October, as this is low season in the USA. It's also worth looking out for flights with Brussels Airlines, as their fares are normally the best-value.
Prices will almost certainly be higher around October, as this is peak season in Houston. Accommodation costs will also be higher at this time of year. To get an idea of hotel prices in the USA, search with Netflights. We do car hire price comparisons too.
The most popular airlines offering flights to are Virgin Atlantic, KLM & Lufthansa. To get the flights you want, it's best to book as far in advance as possible – prices of both flights and accommodation tend to increased the closer you are to departure. To check hotel prices in Houston, simply use the tabs at the top of the page.