Airline information

Everything you need to know about baggage allowance, in-flight meals, online check-in, managing your booking and more

To help you find all the airline information you need we have provided links to all the key airlines’ pages. You'll find links to baggage allowances, in-flight meals, seat selection, online check-in and managing your booking. For baggage information, on many of the airlines' sites you'll find dimensions and weight allowances as well as information about restrictions, and what to do if your luggage is delayed.

Before you travel, please make sure you check your baggage allowance with the airline you are flying with. Airlines often change their baggage information, so it’s worth double checking before you fly.

You can request a meal for select international flights with most airlines once you have completed your online booking. If you have certain dietary requirements, for example, vegetarian, low-fat or kosher meals then you should request them as soon as possible. Please bear in mind that airlines do not always guarantee availability.


Aegean Airlines to Austrian Airlines


Royal Brunei Airlines to Royal Jordanian Airlines

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