If you're thinking of travelling to Connecticut, you might need a hotel or two. To help you find the best hotel deals, we've compared lots of different options throughout the region. If you want a bargain, try searching by month to find the cheapest deal. You should especially spend some time looking at hotel prices in November, as this is usually the cheapest time to stay in Connecticut. June is when hotels are at their most expensive.
Hotel prices in Connecticut vary depending on the star rating, board basis and whereabouts you're staying.
Booking in advance will always give you more choice. To find the best hotel deals in Connecticut, you should book at least 23 weeks in advance.
If you're not sure how long to spend in Connecticut, you might like to know that most people spend 10 days here. But it's up to you – just make sure you have enough time to see the main attractions. It gets very busy here during June, while November is a good time to go if you want to beat the crowds.