202 direct and indirect flights land there every week, and Netflights scans them all so that you can find the best deal. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, try adjusting your destination to ‘Sapporo’ to include more airports in your search.
If you don’t have specific dates for when you'd like to fly to Sapporo, try searching by month. Flights are usually cheapest in December, as this is low season in Japan. It's also worth looking out for flights with Turkish Airlines, as their fares are normally the best-value.
Prices will almost certainly be higher around December, as this is peak season in Sapporo. Accommodation costs will also be higher at this time of year. To get an idea of hotel prices in Japan, search with Netflights. We do car hire price comparisons too.
Qatar Airways, Lufthansa & All Nippon are the most popular airlines for flying to Sapporo. Whoever you want to fly with, it's best to book your flights in advance, particularly if you want to fly on a specific date – otherwise they may sell out. Once you've booked, why not take a look at accommodation? Simply click on the ‘Hotel’ tab at the top of the page.