Cheap flights from London to Kristiansund

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The London / Kristiansund route

All 1414 km of it

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Key facts about Kristiansund

How to get cheap flights from London to Kristiansund

Tips and advice from our flight experts

Find a good deal on your flight from London to Kristiansund with Netflights. If you want to keep your options open, take a look at flights from another airport in London.

But when you fly is just as important as who you fly with. If you're flexible on dates, try searching by month to see when the cheapest flights are.

Last-minute deals can be cheaper, but it's risky. It's best to book flights to Kristiansund in advance to avoid disappointment.

Did you know you can also compare car hire and hotel prices in Norway with Netflights? Take a look to get an idea of prices in Kristiansund.

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