If you're looking to fly from London Heathrow to Margate, you might like to know that 10 / Feb / 2025 currently has the cheapest flights. At the moment, there are six airlines flying to Margate. Go through the results to find the right flights for you – you can adjust the filters to see find even more flights to Margate.
The most popular airlines offering flights to Margate are British Airways, Emirates & Lufthansa. British Airways is the most popular one, but that doesn’t mean their flights will be the cheapest. If you can't find a flight time that suits you, why not look at flying out from a different airport?
Your flight from London Heathrow to Margate will take at least 15 hrs 15 mins. On average, it takes 25 hrs to fly the 9646 km distance. Take a look at flight times to see which one works best for you.
If you need somewhere to stay for your trip to South Africa, take a look at our accommodation options.