Cheap flights from London Heathrow to Lahore

from as little as £475

6 nights in Lahore, departing London Heathrow on 12 / Mar / 2025 with Etihad Airways (price found 34 hours ago)

Subject to availability, prices correct of the last 24 hours

The London Heathrow / Lahore route

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There are around 18,300 flights to Lahore every week. Right now, Etihad Airways has the cheapest flights - but indirect flights are often cheaper, so you may be able to save more by looking for longer stopovers.

Flying from Heathrow to Lahore takes around 8 hours nonstop with airlines like Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) and British Airways offering direct flights.

Min / Max Temperature (°C)

8 °C


24 °C


38 °C

Rainfall (mm)

0 mm


39.2 mm


150 mm

Key facts about Lahore

How to get cheap flights from London Heathrow to Lahore

Tips and advice from our flight experts
When is the cheapest time to fly to Lahore?

May is usually the cheapest time to fly to Lahore, and Pakistan in general. Flights with Etihad Airways often offer the cheapest flights to Pakistan.

How long does it take to fly from Heathrow to Lahore?

Usually, flights from London Heathrow to Lahore take around 13 hrs 40 mins.

Other popular destinations near Lahore

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