If you're looking to fly from London Heathrow to Fez, you might like to know that 24 / Jan / 2025 currently has the cheapest flights. At the moment, there are one airlines flying to Fez. Go through the results to find the right flights for you – you can adjust the filters to see find even more flights to Fez.
The most popular airlines offering flights to Fez are Royal Air Maroc. Royal Air Maroc is the most popular one, but that doesn’t mean their flights will be the cheapest. If you can't find a flight time that suits you, why not look at flying out from a different airport?
Generally speaking, the flight from London Heathrow to Fez takes around 7 hrs 15 mins. The fastest flight takes 7 hrs 15 mins to cover the 1986 km distance. You can view all flight times yourself in the results list.
You can also search by month, which will reveal the cheapest time of the week to fly.