If you're looking to fly from London Heathrow to Conakry, you might like to know that 21 / Jan / 2025 currently has the cheapest flights. At the moment, there are four airlines flying to Conakry. Go through the results to find the right flights for you – you can adjust the filters to see find even more flights to Conakry.
There are 11 flights from London Heathrow to or via Conakry every week. Out of the four available airlines, the most popular ones are Royal Air Maroc, Ethiopian Airlines & Turkish Airlines. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll be the best option for your travel dates. To see as many flights as possible, try widening your search to include other departure airports.
The distance between London Heathrow to Conakry is 4814 km. Normally, it takes about 14 hrs 40 mins to fly, and you can definitely expect the journey to be at least 8 hrs 10 mins. You can see the various flight times in the results.
If you need somewhere to stay for your trip to Guinea-Bissau, take a look at our accommodation options.