We've gone through all the flights from Inverness to New York, to help you find the best option. There are about 70 flights to or via New York from Inverness every week, and the best price is currently £415. Your journey from will last about 13 hrs 20 mins.
Being flexible with your dates could help you find a cheaper flight from Inverness to New York. The cheapest time to fly to the USA is normally January and British Airways tend to have the best-value flights. Generally speaking, you should expect to pay more for flights during high season in October, unless you manage to bag a last-minute deal.
New York actually has three airports – but New York John F Kennedy Airport is normally the cheapest one to fly into. If you're not sure who to fly with from Inverness, you might like to know that KLM is the most popular airline for this route.
If you can’t find flights that suit you, consider flying to another part of the USA. Today alone, Netflights has scanned 178 flights worldwide, so we're confident you'll be able to find a great cheap flight for you.