To help you find the best deal, we've gathered all the flight options from Houston to Shanghai Pu Dong Airport. Look out for EVA Air flights – they usually have the lowest prices. If you can’t find what you're looking for, try widening your search to include the other airports in Shanghai.
We compare every airline that flies from Houston to Shanghai, so that you can find the best value flights. The most popular airlines are All Nippon, Qatar Airways & EVA Air. Between them, they cover 14 flights every week from Houston to or via Shanghai. The 12177 km journey usually takes around 23 hrs 50 mins.
Prices can change though, so it's best to check Netflights regularly – we recommend booking at least two months in advance to get a good deal.
Once you’ve made your flight selection, click through to the next page to complete your booking. You can also explore accommodation and car hire options in China by using the tabs at the top of the page.