Cheap flights from Belfast Aldergrove International Airport to San Francisco

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San Francisco
  1. Flights
  2. North America
  3. the USA
  4. California
  5. San Francisco Flights
  6. San Francisco from Belfast Aldergrove International Airport

The Belfast Aldergrove International Airport / San Francisco route

All 8100 km of it

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San Francisco flight facts

What you need to know

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San Francisco

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Min / Max Temperature (°C)

8 °C


14 °C


21 °C

Rainfall (mm)

0 mm


44.8 mm


112 mm

Key facts about San Francisco

How to get cheap flights from Belfast Aldergrove International Airport to San Francisco

Tips and advice from our flight experts

At the moment, there are zero airlines flying to San Francisco. Go through the results to find the right flights for you – you can adjust the filters to see find even more flights to San Francisco.

If you want to broaden your search, look at flights departing from other airports.

Take a look at flight times to see which one works best for you.

January is normally the cheapest month to fly to San Francisco, but it’s important to try different options when you search. Searching by month, for instance, will show you the best time of the week to fly. September is always the most expensive time to fly but, if you check regularly and book early, you have a better chance of getting a good deal.

Other popular destinations near San Francisco

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