Cheap flights from London to Johannesburg

from as little as £473

11 nights in Johannesburg, departing London Heathrow on 30 / May / 2024 with Egyptair (price found 23 hours ago)

Subject to availability, prices correct of the last 24 hours

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Today alone, Netflights has searched over 108,722 flights. 30 / May / 2024 is currently the lowest priced day of the year to fly the London/Johannesburg route. There are around 18,554 flights on any given week from the UK to Johannesburg and the cheapest month to fly right now is May.

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Min / Max Temperature (°C)

-1 °C


15 °C


27 °C

Rainfall (mm)

7 mm


69.7 mm


150 mm

Key facts about Johannesburg

How to get cheap flights from London to Johannesburg

Tips and advice from our flight experts

Planning a holiday to Johannesburg? There are around 18,554 flights from London to O.R. Tambo International Airport (JNB) every week, so you’ve got plenty of fares to compare. If you want a direct flight to South Africa’s biggest city, you’ll need to set off from London Heathrow (LHR). Airlines including British Airways and Virgin Atlantic fly direct to Jo’burg from here.

If you’re looking for cheap flights from London to Johannesburg, though, it’s worth considering an indirect flight as they often work out more cost effective. Factor in a stopover anywhere from Frankfurt to Doha and you could shave a significant amount off the price. Plus, you can choose to fly from several London airports that way – flights are available from London City (LCY), Gatwick (LGW) and Stansted (STN) as well.

On average, Iberia Airlines have the cheapest flights, but check your search results as this isn’t always the case. Another way to get a cheap flight is to book last minute – but this does mean you may not be able to get the exact dates you want.

Consider things like high and low season before you book, too. South Africa’s summer runs from November to February, so sun-seekers travel then to enjoy the weather. April, which is the start of autumn, tends to be the most expensive time to visit, along with December. On the flip side, July is one of the cheapest times to fly from London to Johannesburg. The average temperature in Johannesburg in July is 11°C, which is a whole degree higher than June.

FAQs about flights from London to Johannesburg

Which airlines fly from London to Johannesburg?
For direct flights from London to Johannesburg, you’ll need to fly from Heathrow with a carrier like Virgin Atlantic, British Airways or South African Airways. Other airlines, including Qatar Airways, SWISS, Kenya Airways, Iberia Airlines and Turkish Airlines also fly from indirect from Heathrow. In terms of your other airport options, Iberia Airlines fly indirect from Gatwick, Emirates go indirect from Stansted, and various airlines including Kenya Airways fly indirect from London City.

Which airlines have the cheapest flights to Johannesburg?
Iberia Airlines, Alitalia, Emirates, Lufthansa and SWISS have some of the cheapest fights from London to Johannesburg, but they usually include a stopover.

Can I fly direct from London to Johannesburg?
Yes, you can fly direct to Johannesburg from London Heathrow with several airlines.

Which London airport offers the cheapest direct flight to Johannesburg?
London Heathrow is the only London hub that offers direct flights to Johannesburg at the moment.

How long is the flight from London to Johannesburg?
The shortest flight time on this route is around 9 hours and 50 minutes. But the duration can vary quite a bit depending whether or not you have a layover.

How do I get into Johannesburg from O.R. Tambo International Airport?
Johannesburg’s airport is about 14 miles east of the city centre, and you can get into the city via train, bus, taxi or rental car. The Gautrain from the airport to the suburbs in Sandton and Pretoria is a good option in terms of both price and speed. You can access it at the station on the upper level between terminals A and B, and a single fare will cost you anything from R20-R50 depending on where you’re heading. It’s high-speed so the journey to Sandton, for example, only takes about 12 minutes.

What are the top things to do in Johannesburg?
As part of your trip to Johannesburg, The Apartheid Museum is a must – you can learn about the history of the city and South Africa as a whole. Constitution Hill is one of the most important heritage sites in Jo’burg, and Nelson Mandela Square draws in visitors like a magnet thanks to a supersized statue of the anti-apartheid activist. There are animals aplenty at Croc City Crocodile & Reptile Park, Lion City and Johannesburg Zoo. And Gold Reef City is just the ticket if you fancy fairground rides and a flutter at the casino.

Do I need a visa to travel to Johannesburg?
If you’re visiting South Africa for tourism or business for up to 90 days, you don’t need a visa to travel to Johannesburg.

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