Cheap flights from London to Auckland

from as little as £653

21 nights in Auckland, departing London Gatwick on 18 / Jun / 2024 with China Eastern Airlines (price found 1 hour ago)

Subject to availability, prices correct of the last 24 hours

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Today alone, Netflights has searched over 15,315 flights. 18 / Jun / 2024 is currently the lowest priced day of the year to fly the London/Auckland route. There are around 3,936 flights on any given week from the UK to Auckland and the cheapest month to fly right now is June.

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Key facts about Auckland

How to get cheap flights from London to Auckland

Tips and advice from our flight experts

Planning a trip to Auckland? There are around 3,936 weekly flights from London to Auckland, so it’s worth setting aside some time to compare your options and find the best deals. You’ll land at Auckland Airport (AKL), which is the biggest and busiest in New Zealand. But you can set off from four different London airports back in the UK, with a variety of airlines.

The most popular airlines for this route are Singapore Airlines, Air New Zealand and British Airways, while London Heathrow (LHR) is the most popular departure airport in the city. All flights from London to Auckland are indirect, so you’ll be stopping off en route. Doha’s Hamad International Airport is a popular stop-off.

If you want a bargain, keep an eye out for flights with China Southern Airlines, as they often have good deals. And take a look at departures from other London airports, too, as you may find a better deal from Gatwick (LGW), Stansted (STN) or London City Airport (LCY).

When you fly is just as important as where you fly from, so consider seasonality when you book your flights to New Zealand. February is often one of the most expensive times to fly to Auckland – it’s the last month of summer, so the 20 to 30-degree temperatures make a welcome change to the chilly climes back in the UK.

July, on the other hand, is one of the cheapest times for flights. It’s midwinter in Auckland, so the crowds have died down and hotel accommodation tends to be cheaper. Plus, you can hop over to the South Island and go skiing at one of the resorts near Queenstown if you fancy hitting the slopes.

FAQs about flights from London to Auckland

Which airlines fly from London to Auckland?
From London Heathrow you can fly indirect to Auckland with carriers including China Southern Airlines, Emirates, SWISS, Cathay Pacific and Singapore Airlines. From Gatwick you can also fly with British Airways, Qatar Airways and Qantas. Emirates fly from Stansted, and SWISS go from London City Airport.

Which airlines have the cheapest flights to Auckland?
China Southern Airlines often have the cheapest flights to Auckland, but prices fluctuate all the time.

Can I fly direct from London to Auckland?
No – at the moment, all flights from London to Auckland are indirect with at least one stopover. You could stop anywhere from Doha to Singapore.

Which London airport offers the cheapest direct flight to Auckland?
At the moment there are no direct flights from London to Auckland. For the cheapest indirect flight, it’s best to fly from London Gatwick or Heathrow.

How long is the flight from London to Auckland?
The shortest flight time on this route is around 23 hours and 40 minutes, but that includes a layover.

How do I get into Auckland from Auckland Airport?
If you’re using public transport, you could take the SkyBus – Auckland’s airport transfer service runs to Auckland city centre and North Harbour 365 days a year. The Auckland City service operates 24/7 with two bus routes to choose from – you can pick up tickets at the kiosks by the SkyBus bus stops outside the terminal. Expect to pay NZ$25 for a one-way trip into the city centre, which can take up to an hour. There are also plenty of licensed taxis and shuttles available outside the arrivals area at the international terminal. Each company has a fixed fare into the city centre, ranging from NZ$38 to NZ$75.

What are the top things to do in Auckland?
The Sky Tower is the place to take in the scale of this incredible city, which is based around two harbours. You can sit down to dinner here, bungy off the side of it, or just fill your Instagram feed with epic views from the top. For more in the way of cinematic vistas, head to Mt Eden – Auckland’s highest point and dormant volcanic cone with a matching crater. Then explore Goat Island Marine Reserve, hit the vineyards on Waiheke Island, and go surfing off the shores of black-sand Piha Beach.

Do I need a visa to travel to Auckland?
If you hold a British passport you can enter New Zealand as a visitor for up to six months without a visa, as long as you have an onward ticket and can meet the requirements of the immigration rules, which includes not working during your visit.

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