Flights to Laos

Fly from as little as £789

7 nights in Vientiane, departing London Gatwick on 19 / Jun / 2024 with China Eastern Airlines (price found 24 hours ago)

Subject to availability, prices correct of the last 24 hours
  1. Flights
  2. Asia
  3. Flights to Laos

Come fly to Laos with Netflights

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You’ve searched for flights to Laos. The cheapest priced departure date is currently 19 / Jun / 2024. Here at Netflights we've scanned 1,008 flights globally today, so that you can compare flights across multiple airlines to anywhere in the world.

Key facts about Laos be in the know

Most popular airports to fly into in Laos

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from £789 pp
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Flights to Vientiane

from £789 pp

Subject to availability, prices correct of the last 24 hours

Luang Prabang

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Subject to availability, prices correct of the last 24 hours

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What you need to know before flying to Laos

in a nutshell

On average, Vientiane (VTE) is the cheapest airport for flying into Laos, so consider starting your trip from there. 266 direct and indirect flights land in the country from the UK every week so, if you can’t find what you’re looking for, try searching by month to see a broader range of flights. Searching by month will also show you the cheapest day to fly.

You might like to know that, out of all 11 airlines that fly to Laos, China Eastern Airlines usually has the lowest prices. Today alone, we've scanned 1,008 across the world – and we can tell you that the cheapest flight we've found to Laos is just £789. What are you waiting for?

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