Cheap flights from London Heathrow to New York

from as little as £365

6 nights in New York, departing London Heathrow on 10 / Dec / 2024 with American Airlines (price found 26 hours ago)

Subject to availability, prices correct of the last 24 hours
New York

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10 / Dec / 2024 is currently the lowest priced day of the year to fly the London Heathrow/New York route. There are around 7,095 flights on any given week from the UK to New York and the cheapest month to fly right now is December.

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-5 °C


11 °C


28 °C

Rainfall (mm)

73.7 mm


98 mm


106.7 mm

Key facts about New York

How to get cheap flights from London Heathrow to New York

Tips and advice from our flight experts

Every week, there are 7,095 flights from London Heathrow to, or via, New York – so it’s best to compare all your options to find the cheapest deal. Start by considering the different airports available. New York is actually served by three different airports – John F Kennedy Airport (JFK), Newark Liberty International (EWR) and La Guardia (LGA). You can fly direct to JFK or Newark from London Heathrow (LHR), while indirect flights are available to all three airports.

Even if you have a specific airport in mind, it’s worth comparing different airlines to find cheap flights from Heathrow to New York. A lot of big-name airlines offer direct flights, including American Airlines, British Airways and Virgin Atlantic. Or, you could widen your options by looking at indirect flights from Heathrow to New York. Several budget-friendly airlines offer indirect routes – and having a quick stopover could save you money.

If you’re looking for cheap flights from Heathrow to New York, it’s also worth considering when you want to go. In summer, the city feels very humid as temperatures soar. At the other end of the spectrum, January and February see snow and the temperature drops below freezing – but it’s also when you’ll find the best deals to New York. A good compromise is to search for flights in September or October, when the weather is warm but the prices are reasonable.

FAQs about flights from Heathrow to New York

Which airlines fly from Heathrow to New York?
Flights from London Heathrow to New York are provided by a variety of airlines – but your options will depend on which airport you fly in to. If you want to fly direct from Heathrow to JFK Airport, you’ll be able to compare flights with American Airlines, British Airways, Delta, Finnair, Virgin Atlantic and many more. Indirect flights to JFK are also available with Aer Lingus, Brussels Airlines and Iceland Air. Alternatively, you could consider booking an indirect flight from Heathrow to Newark Liberty Airport with Air France, Austrian Airways, KLM or United Airlines. If you want to fly to La Guardia, you’ll need to have a layover, as there aren’t any direct flights from Heathrow – but indirect flights are available with Air Canada, Delta and Lufthansa, to name a few.

Which airlines have the cheapest flights to New York?
From London Heathrow, Air France, American Airlines or British Airways usually have the cheapest fares on flights to New York.

Can I fly direct from Heathrow to New York?
Yes. You can fly direct from London Heathrow to JFK or Newark.

How long is the flight from Heathrow to New York?
A direct flight to New York takes just under eight hours.

How do I get into New York from JFK Airport?
The train is your cheapest option. You can catch the AirTrain, which connects all the airport terminals to both the subway and the Long Island Rail Road. You can reach central Manhattan – specifically, Pennsylvania Station – in roughly 40 minutes on the Long Island Rail Road, and it costs about £17. Or, you could catch the ‘E’ train and get off at Times Square or Penn Station. It’ll take you about an hour, but will cost less than £10. Alternatively, you could get a taxi from JFK into New York – it’ll cost you £45 minimum, but journey times will vary depending on traffic and where you’re staying. Or, you could pre-book a shuttle service to drop you at your hotel.

How do I get into New York from Newark Airport?
Newark Airport is actually in New Jersey, not New York – but the journey is very straight forward. Taxis and shuttles are expensive because of the distance, but the train costs around £10 and takes no more than 45 minutes. You just need to board the AirTrain to Newark Airport train station, then catch a New Jersey Transit train to Manhattan’s Penn Station. Trains run frequently throughout the day, but there’s no service between 2am and 5am. Once you’re in New York, you can either take a taxi to your hotel or ride the subway.

How do I get into New York from La Guardia Airport?
La Guardia is the closest airport to Manhattan – it’s just eight miles away. If you use public transport, the journey will take at least an hour but, on the plus side, it’ll only cost you a few quid. From the airport terminal, take a bus to Jackson Heights-Roosevelt Ave subway station and get the metro from there. Alternatively, a taxi from the airport will set you back at least £40 and take at least 30 minutes. Shuttle transfers are available too, but the price will vary depending on where you’re staying and how many people are travelling.

What are the top things to do in New York?
The Big Apple. The City That Never Sleeps. The City of Dreams. Whatever you want to call it, New York is one of the world’s most iconic cities. And there’s an endless list of things to do. Look out across the famous skyline from the top of the Empire State Building, walk over Brooklyn Bridge, and catch the ferry out to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. You can shop ‘til you drop on Fifth Avenue, visit the poignant 9/11 Memorial, or escape the hustle and bustle with a stroll around Central Park.

Do I need a visa to travel to New York?
You don’t need a visa if you're travelling to New York on a British passport, because you can visit the USA under their visa waiver programme. You’ll just need to fill out an ESTA application online – it’s best to get all the paperwork sorted at least four weeks before you fly.

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